Community Support & Service-Based Count Resources
In partnership with Acadia Unversity's Department of Community Development, Homeless No More is committed to completing a bi-annual count on Rural Homelessness. The count aims to capture a glimpse of what's happening regarding homelessness across our region.
This page includes resources about the count and participating in the count. All reports and data can be found on the Regional Resources page.
If you have questions about the count or would like to sign up to participate, please contact Mary Sweatman at Acadia University:

A three-page information sheet on Community Support and Service-Based Counts and being a participating organization or individual, as well as information on ethics.
Commonly asked questions from organizations and service providers considering participating in a Community Support and Service-Based Count.
An overview on ethics for the Community Support and Service-Based Count in the Western Region of Nova Scotia.
Canadian Definition Of Homelessness
The Community Support and Service-Based Count uses the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness' (COH) Definition of Homelessness. Below are links to two resources from the COH that provide details of the definition and examples for each of the types of homelessness included in the definition: ​