Youth Homelessness
Homeless No More understands youth homelessness as individuals between the age of 13 - 24 who do not have the means or ability to acquire safe, stable, affordable and dignified housing. Unhoused youth could be experiencing any of the four types of homelessness as defined by the Canadian Observatory on Homelessness.
This includes people who lack housing and are not accessing emergency shelters or accommodations except during extreme weather conditions. In most cases, people are staying in places that are not designed for or fit for human habitation. Examples include but are not limited to, public parks, vacant buildings, vehicles, make-shift shelters, etc.
Emergency Sheltered
This refers to people who, because they cannot secure permanent housing, are accessing emergency shelter and system supports, generally provided at no cost or minimal cost to the user. Such accommodation represents a stop-gap institutional response to homelessness provided by government, non-profit, faith-based organizations and/or volunteers.
Provisionally Accommodated
This describes situations in which people, who are technically homeless and without permanent shelter, access accommodation that offers no prospect of permanence. Those who are provisionally accommodated may be accessing temporary housing provided by the government or the non-profit sector or may have independently made arrangements for short-term accommodation. Examples include but are not limited to couch surfing, temporary arrangements with family or friends, individuals in institutional care with external housing arrangements, etc.
At Risk of Homelessness
Although not technically homeless, this includes individuals or families whose current housing situations are dangerously lacking security or stability and so are considered to be at risk of homelessness. They are living in housing that is intended for permanent human habitation and could potentially be permanent (as opposed to those who are provisionally accommodated). However, as a result of external hardship, poverty, personal crisis, discrimination, a lack of other available and affordable housing, insecurity of tenure and/or the inappropriateness of their current housing (which may be overcrowded or does not meet public health and safety standards) residents may be “at risk” of homelessness.